Strickroth, SvenBußler, DirkLucke, UlrikeKienle, AndreaHarrer, AndreasHaake, Joerg M.Lingnau, Andreas2021-08-252021-08-252021978-3-88579-710-4 requires different tools for collaboration and communication. University data centres often only provide one-size-fits-all solutions which are manageable and maintainable for them. However, these solutions are not flexible enough for teachers in many use-cases. Therefore, there is a need for a dynamic infrastructure that can provide e-learning tools with a high level of flexibility to university members on demand in a short time and that are still manageable as well as maintainable for data centres. In this paper a container-based architecture with a self-service portal named Cook.UP is presented and evaluated in a user study. The paper also discusses possible security aspects and outlines possible usage for research.ensoftware-as-a-serviceplatform-as-a-servicedockerblended learningContainer-based Dynamic Infrastructure for Education On-DemandText/Conference Paper1617-5468