Kleindienst, HannesMinier, PhilippeSusini, Alberto2019-09-162019-09-162004https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/27230Today, internet based information systems are standard solutions for collaborative management of resources and information. Experiences with several applications like the Swiss environmental catalogue envirocat or the Biosafety Clearing House led to the compilation of a list of common requirements. Based on these requirements, IRMI (Information and Resource Management Interface) was developed. IRMI is solely build upon open source components, with PostgreSQL and ZOPE as the major contributions. The primary goal of the IRMI development is to get a flexible metadata catalogue systems which is easily adaptable to application specific requirements. The current development of IRMI focuses on the integration of GIS data.IRMI – An open metadata catalogue for information and resource managementText/Conference Paper