Franke, Ingmar S.Elze, AnnikaMcGinity, MatthewMühlhäuser, MaxReuter, ChristianPfleging, BastianKosch, ThomasMatviienko, AndriiGerling, Kathrin|Mayer, SvenHeuten, WilkoDöring, TanjaMüller, FlorianSchmitz, Martin2022-08-312022-08-312022 fitness trackers make it possible to check vital signs, count steps or measure the duration of an exercise. However, a fitness tracker does not provide information about the correct execution of a sport exercise. This is the motivation for our contribution. We introduce the concept of an interactive training environment using the example of stretching exercises in the form of a computer-based visual feedback system, which is intended to increase the efficiency and safety of a training session. We answer the question: How can such a system be designed?deHealthSportStretchingWarm-UpWell-BeingEntertainment ComputingGamificationSportVirtualityProjectionMultimodal InteractionStretching Projection - Projection-based Visual Control and Support for Sports ExercisesText/Conference Paper10.1145/3543758.3549018