Schmidt, HolgerWassermann, BenjaminZimmermann, GottfriedTrahasch, StephanPlötzner, RolfSchneider, GerhardSassiat, DanielGayer, ClaudiaWöhrle, Nicole2017-07-262017-07-262014978-3-88579-627-5For a learning platform to be adaptive, it needs to monitor the user in realtime. At the ScienceCampus Tübingen, we conduct empirical research on learning strategies, in particular with regard to system adaptivity. Our experimental Webbased adaptive multimedia learning environment is able to communicate with an eyetracking system in real-time, and links gaze data to browser-based learning content. By processing simple evaluation scripts in the browser, we can control the learning process by adapting the learning content in response to predefined conditions and user inputs. The experimental system serves as a basis for a series of psychological studies in the learning context. We have already conducted some studies with our experimental learning platform, but its development is still ongoing. In particular, we are adding new features required for future studies. In this paper, we describe the actual state of our experimental learning environment, lessons learned from its application in the studies, and our plans for future development.deAn adaptive and adaptable learning platform with realtime eye-tracking support: lessons learnedText/Conference Paper1617-5468