Hilliges, FalkMaharens, StephanKnetsch, GerlindeJessen, Karin2019-09-202019-09-202010https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/27765The soil monitoring in Germany is organized and executed by the federal states. This results a multiplicity of heterogeneous data storages in various formats. With regard to the requirements of the German federation, these different data management systems are very derogatory to a transnational reporting. Since 2008 the German federal environmental agency provides a free database (bBIS) to all operators of soil monitoring stations. Therewith all operators of soil monitoring stations obtain a modern and upgradeable application for capturing, storing and analyzing their data. If the operator of the soil monitoring station uses bBIS, the data exchange is realized by an easy import/export function (XML, XLS, CSV). The following essential functions are given in bBIS: automatic aggregation of single measured values, administration of measured values of partial areas, separately administration of basic data (attributes of location and profile), capture of cultivation data and configuration of individual queries. If a federal state uses its own established data management, the exchange can also be realized by the documented bBIS XML exchange file. With this format it is possible to program a permanent interface between the specific data management in the federal state and the bBIS database. Thus are all conditions fulfilled for an annually data update between the federal states and the German Federal Environment Agency. The last finished application upgrade was an allencompassing template for plant data. For the prospective use of bBIS the next step will be the implementation of a general upgradeable code of methods. This codification is aligned with the scientific forestry community where this code is established for years. Furthermore it is intended to arrange several automatic reporting functions. Also it is scheduled to adapt the application for future demands like INSPIRE.Länderübergreifende Bodenzustandsdaten Werkzeuge und Anfoderungen aus Sicht des UmweltbundesamtesText/Conference Paper