Hoth, VeronicaKrueger, Anne ElisabethBrandenburg, StefanGiese, HolgerRosenthalKristina2024-03-122024-03-122024 digital systems responsibly is crucial for mitigating risks for users and companies. This involves thorough analysis, open communication, and identifying potential adverse effects on users, the environment, and society. Addressing ethical aspects in digital products and services entails considering psychological needs and values. We’ve developed a workshop concept where designers and tech experts learn to make abstract values tangible, integrating ethical reflection into the design process. Implementation of the workshop shows that using appropriate methods enhances the solvability of ethical challenges. These challenges shouldn’t be viewed as obstacles but as opportunities for innovation. This position paper emphasises the importance of highlighting positive issues and suggests a shift in perspective, where ethical considerations are seen as catalysts for innovation rather than barriers to it.enExperience DesignEthical DesignHuman-Centred DesignValue Sensitive DesignPsychological NeedsLearnings from an Ethical Experience Design Method based on Psychological Needs and ValuesText/Workshop Paper10.18420/modellierung2024-ws-014