Ertugrul, NazifeKruse, LucieSteinicke, Frank2024-09-032024-09-032024 physical activity is crucial for physical and mental health, but many people do not meet the recommendations of the World Health Organization for physical activity due to lack of motivation and time constraints. This exploratory study aims to examine how an immersive learning experience using Virtual Reality (VR) affects running behavior, compared to a traditional approach that uses presentation slides. The results of our study indicate an increase in exercise enjoyment among active participants, with three participants even starting new workout routines in the week after the study. Approximately 60% of participants expressed a preference for the immersive intervention in VR due to its interactive 3D models. Moreover, VR was observed to enhance the feeling of flow during the running exercise in comparison to the 2D slides. Nonetheless, no statistically significant differences were detected in immediate enjoyment of physical activity, intrinsic motivation, or knowledge retention. This paper provides first insights into the effect of a VR learning intervention on sports behavior and points out future research directions.enMake Me Run: The Effects of an Immersive Learning Experience on Physical Running ExerciseText/Workshop Paper10.18420/vrar2024_0008