Flügge, Anna-KatharinaGödde, NinaKneile, MadlenAljuneidi, Saja2019-09-052019-09-052019https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/25145Learning languages in the form of a tandem program offers learners numerous advantages over individual learning. In order to develop a concept that supports the cooperative work of tandem partners, a qualitative study was conducted using the Design Case Study as a framework for research. The results show the positive impact of cultural exchange and the importance of hearing in language learning. As a result, a concept was developed that promotes cultural exchange and also focuses on hearing. Thus, this paper offers the idea of a technology that assists language learning by listening to the target language from native speakers during a treasure hunt game. Above all, the focus is on cooperation, as riddles have to be solved together by the tandem team.enCulture Locator: A Concept To Support Tandem Language Learning In New Digital RealitiesText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2019-ws-669