Dick, SteffenDreyer, TeresaBockisch, ChristophSchmolitzky, AxelKlikovits, Stefan2024-03-122024-03-122024978-3-88579-255-0https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/43791In conjunction with the QPED project, we have developed two teaching tools, MASS, an automated feedback tool for code, and TILE, a test-driven exercise paradigm. Over the course of three different iterations of the same university courses, we have collected data to see what effect MASS and TILE have had on the students that were confronted with both. For this we used a survey in a later module and a diagnostic assessment within the final exam in the module where TILE and MASS are introduced. We found a substantial and statistically significant positive effect in our exam data.ensurveydiagnosticsanalysisteaching testingteaching software qualityTILE and MASS, a retrospectiveText/Conference Paper10.18420/seuh2024_051617-5468