Kirkegård Rasmussen, MajkenHemmert, FabianAlt, FlorianBulling, AndreasDöring, Tanja2019-08-222019-08-222019 this paper, we present three speculative scenarios that explore the future of living with shape-changing interfaces. Each scenario is concerned with one area of this potential future. Three areas, which originated in a workshop with 25 researchers, are considered: 1) shape as a service, 2) security and trust, and 3) personalization and materiality. Each scenario is critically reflected. We use speculative scenarios as an evocative way of illustrating future possibilities, beyond the limitations of current technology. We point to future challenges that the research community needs to address, so that shape-changing interfaces can successfully venture out, into people’s homes and lives.enspeculative designshape-changing interfacesEnvisioning Future Challenges and Possibilities for Shape-Changing Interfaces through Speculative ScenariosText/Conference Paper10.1145/3340764.3344444