Langel, FlorianLaw, Yuen C.Wehrt, WilkenWeyers, BenjaminDachselt, RaimundWeber, Gerhard2018-08-182018-08-182018 reality technology enables the immersion of a human user into a virtual environment. With virtual environments, reproducible situations such as office work can be created in which a human behaves and acts in response. Because of the reproducibility and the accompanied measurement tools offered by virtual reality technology, virtual reality can be used for empirical research in organizational psychology. In this paper, we present a system architecture for creating a virtual environment that allows to empirically investigate a persuasive interactive system that addresses the change of work habits.envirtual realityhabit changeofficework contexteveryday work environmentA Virtual Reality Framework to Validate Persuasive Interactive Systems to Change Work HabitsText/Conference Paper10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0464