Strittmatter, MishaJunker, MichaelRostami, KianaLehrig, SebastianKechaou, AmineLiu, BoHeinrich, Robert2023-03-022023-03-022016 is an approach to design and performance prediction of software architectures. An important part of the Palladio’s tooling — the Palladio Bench — are its graphical GMF-based editors. In contrast to rudimentary tree-based editors, they enable a more intuitive creation of models even for less experienced developers. However, the maintenance of the GMFbased editors has become cumbersome because the requirement arose to support an increasing amount of new language features. In this paper, we present the new generation of graphical editors for Palladio, which are based on the Sirius editor framework. Further, we present a concept of how to develop external extensions to the graphical language, which can be plugged into the new editors without the need to intrusively modify them.enExtensible Graphical Editors for PalladioText/Journal Article0720-8928