Heil, RaphaelaAnkermann, TobiasDittmer, Eike M.Indorf, TorbenJeglinski, FabianFretag,UlrikeFuchs-Kittowski, FrankHosenfeld, FriedhelmAbecker, AndreasWikarski, Dietmar2019-11-222019-11-222017https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/30244This paper presents the “GelegeApp”, a software system that supports conservationists in surveying and protecting the clutches of waders. The system was developed based on a cooperation between Masters students of the University of Applied Sciences Bremen and the German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) Bremen and has been in use since spring2016.de„GelegeApp” -Vorstellung einer mobilen Anwendung zur Unterstützung des Gelegeschutzes von Wiesenvögeln im Land BremenText/Conference Paper