Hering, TimSaake, GunterHenrich, AndreasLehner, WolfgangNeumann, ThomasKöppen, Veit2018-10-242018-10-242013978-3-88579-610-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/17440Parallel algorithms for main memory databases become an increasingly interesting topic as the amount of main memory and the number of CPU cores in computer systems increase. This paper suggests a method for parallelizing the k-d tree and its kNN search algorithm as well as suggesting optimizations. In empirical tests, the resulting modified k-d tree outperforms both the k-d tree and a parallelized sequential search for medium dimensionality data (6-13 dimensions).enParallel execution of kNN-queries on in-memory K-D treesText/Conference Paper1617-5468