Anneser, KatharinaSchiefer, GerhardWagner, PeterMorgenstern, MarliesRickert, Ursula2019-10-152019-10-1520043-88579-378-4 of nutritional deficiencies in literature are mostly based on agricultural crops. As every plant variety reacts very individually on deficiency or excess of nutrients, there is still a large lack of information on horticultural products. For this reason many vegetable and pot plant varieties have been tested on symptoms of nutritional deficiencies by selective fertilisation at the research station of Weihenstephan. All the results of these trials are published on CD-ROMs called Ernesto. The CDs are suited for producers, advisors an students in horticulture. They contain a wide range of symptom descriptions, images and analysis values as well as a diagnostic key and background informations about plant nutrition. The publication of the material on CD-ROM allows a low priced sale and a quick orientation in spite of large amounts of data. Ernesto is compiled by gardeners so it fits the users` needs as much as possible and is easy to use even for less experienced PC users.deBildunterstützte Diagnose von Ernährungsstörungen an Topfpflanzen und Gemüse - CD-ROMs für Beratung und LehreText/Conference Paper1617-5468