Marsh, JesseMaurer, LisaGreve, KlausCremers, Armin B.2019-09-162019-09-162010 EU INSPIRE directive lays the foundation of a common infrastructure for spatial information in Europe in order to support policies and activities that have an impact on environment. The HABITATS project implements network services that enable citizens and businesses to identify, access, use and reuse, in an interoperable and seamless way and for a variety of uses, aggregated geographical information covering a significant part of natural and environmental systems and coming from a wide range of sources, from the local to the European level. The involvement of final end users from the outset in the processes of designing and validating the INSPIRE-related standards drives the standards adoption process and guarantees continued upgrading and maintenance of the content represented. The project aims to build a bridge between INSPIRE and real and concrete user communities to introduce a “demandpull” drive to its standardisation processes, allowing to reach these objectives at the appropriate time through the codevelopment of the desired service scenarios.Social Validation of INSPIRE Annex III Data Structures in EU HabitatsText/Conference Paper