Ackermann, JanKaeppel, JohannesSchönberger, PatrickSchreiner, CarinStöttinger, MarcKlein, MaikeKrupka, DanielWinter, CorneliaGergeleit, MartinMartin, Ludger2024-10-212024-10-212024978-3-88579-746-3, smart home devices have become seamlessly integrated into everyone’s daily life and living environment. These ubiquitous devices collect an enormous amount of data about the ecosystem in which they are used and, thus, about the inhabitants of that ecosystem. Therefore, they are a valuable source for forensic investigations. However, on the crime scene, it is difficult to spot small embedded or afterwards installed smart home devices like those in the Shelly miniseries. In this paper, we are presenting an identification tool for discovering Shelly devices that are connected within the same network. The presented tool exploits multiple communication protocols, such as MQTT and mDNS, to capture valuable information about the present devices, such as product type and firmware version. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exploration tool for these widely used smart home products, providing an initial and solid starting point for forensic investigations.enMQTTmDNSSmart HomeForensicShell we find it: A Shelly Smart Home Device Discovery ToolText/Conference Paper10.18420/inf2024_271617-5468