Alonso-Fernandez,FernandoFarrugia,Reuben A.Bigun,JosefBrömme,ArslanBusch,ChristophDantcheva,AntitzaRathgeb,ChristianUhl,Andreas2017-09-262017-09-262017978-3-88579-664-0 acquisition conditions in iris recognition systems have significant effects on the quality and resolution of acquired images, which can severely affect performance if not addressed properly. Here, we evaluate two trained super-resolution algorithms in the context of iris identification. They are based on reconstruction of local image patches, where each patch is reconstructed separately using its own optimal reconstruction function. We employ a database of 1,872 near-infrared iris images (with 163 different identities for identification experiments) and three iris comparators. The trained approaches are substantially superior to bilinear or bicubic interpolations, with one of the comparators providing a Rank-1 performance of ∼88% with images of only 15×15 pixels, and an identification rate of 95% with a hit list size of only 8 identities.enIrisbiometricssuper-resolutionlow resolutionImproving Very Low-Resolution Iris Identification Via Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Local Patches1617-5468