Kalb Roses, LuísHoppen, NorbertoBallaz, BernardMelle Freire, KarineFeltz, FernandOtjacques, BenoîtOberweis, AndreasPoussing, Nicolas2019-06-122019-06-122006978-3-88579-186-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/23761The aim of this study is to assess quality perception of information system (IS) services outsourced by a large Brazilian bank, both from a technical (results) as well as from a functional (process, relationship) dimension. It is used the SERVPERF instrument from the SERVQUAL model, which has its structure assessed. SERVPERF is suitable for service quality evaluation. The results revealed unsatisfactory quality of the services outsourced, the structure of processes directed to the management of the client-supplier relationship is deficient, and the SERVQUAL model's structure requires modifications to improve its applicability to the IT outsourcing context.enInformation Systemsoutsourcingquality evaluationSERVQUALQuality evaluation in information systems outsourcingText/Conference Paper1617-5468