Mansilla, Wendy AnnSchrader, AndreasDohrn, SönkeSalim, AlmaHeinecke, Andreas M.Paul, Hansjürgen2017-11-222017-11-2220063-486-58129-5, more advanced multimedia and feedback tools and assistive technologies enable enhanced gaming experiences. However, many publishers in the gaming market prefer to stay mainstream resulting in a limited variety of gaming experiences available to physically impaired gamers. This is especially the case for physically impaired gamers experiencing some social digression when playing computer games or complex physical games. We describe a simple pervasive gaming approach using tangible user interfaces developed in-house that involves both physical and virtual experiences. In real world, playing board games may be hard, tiring or perhaps impossible for disabled people. The challenge of our work is to allow for supplementing physical activities on such games using enhanced interface technologies.enVirtual and Tangible User Interfaces for Social and Accessible Pervasive GamingText/Conference Paper