Jannaber, SvenZobel, BenediktBerkemeier, LisaThomas, OliverSchaefer, InaKaragiannis, DimitrisVogelsang, AndreasMéndez, DanielSeidl, Christoph2018-01-232018-01-232018978-3-88579-674-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/14953The integration of mobile technology is considered a major challenge for the BPM domain. Wearable devices such as smart glasses have already been successfully applied in high-mobility fields as technical services. However, the utilization of smart glasses to document and model processes still remains on a conceptual level and has not yet been instantiated. To this end, the paper demonstrates a prototype that enables the usage of smart glasses for process modelling. It is shown how glasses-specific functionality e.g. voice recognition and audio/video recording can incorporated into a modelling environment that facilitates the run-time modelling of processes, even for modelling novices.enBPMprocess modellingsmart glassesrun-time modellingDevelopment of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modellingText/Conference Paper1617-5468