Röttger, DianaDudai, DanielaMerhof, DoritMüller, StefanGoltz, UrsulaMagnor, MarcusAppelrath, Hans-JürgenMatthies, Herbert K.Balke, Wolf-TiloWolf, Lars2018-11-062018-11-062012978-3-88579-602-2https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/17913Diffusion imaging is a unique MRI technique which reveals vital information about the constitution of neuronal pathways in vivo. Intra-bundle diffusion information is crucial for the analysis of white matter in the human brain. Previously introduced bundle visualizations aim at delineating intra-bundle diffusion characteristics by applying hull generation, diffusion analysis, color mapping, as well as illustrative rendering. In this work, we present a user study which focuses on evaluation of these approaches in terms of general understanding, spatial depth perception, and possible applications.enVisualization and evaluation of intra-bundle diffusion characteristicsText/Conference Paper1617-5468