König, LarsWeber, ThomasHerrmann, Andrea2023-11-302023-11-3020230720-8928https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/43227The development of systems, e.g., software systems or cyber-physical systems, becomes more and more complex. Successful approaches for reducing the complexity of their development are view-based model-driven approaches, where developers see only the relevant part of the system for a specific task. As these views still show the same system, their content may be semantically related and changes on one view might require changes on other views to keep them consistent. Although already used in industry, view-based approaches are still not a mature field of research and especially performance is often not a focus in their development. For industrial application, however, performance is crucial, as tools can otherwise become unusable with the extensive sizes of industrial models. To target this problem, we identify possible performance challenges of consistency preserving view-based environments and provide ideas on how to overcome them.enSPPconsistency preservationmodel driven engineeringperformanceview-based develop mentIdentifying Performance Challenges in Consistency Preserving View-Based EnvironmentsText/Conference Paper