Stöver, AlinaKretschmer, FelixCornel, ChristinMarky, KarolaHansen, ChristianNürnberger, AndreasPreim, Bernhard2020-08-182020-08-182020 Assistants (PAs) are a promising method to support users in making and communicating privacy-related decisions. In this work in progress paper, we present a study design to investigate users perspective on PAs in the context of mobile apps in an explorative user-centric workshop. The participants are asked to provide 1) which information they are comfortable sharing with their PA, 2) how the PA learns this information, 3) how the PA should assist and how it should communicate with the participants, and 4) which entity should provide the PA. Participants are encouraged to think aloud during the workshop and are interviewed as debriefing. The initial results of a pilot study indicate that there may be a great variety of requirements and ideas of a PA between users.enPrivacyPrivacy AssistantWorkshopWork in Progress: How I met my Privacy Assistant – A User-Centric WorkshopText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2020-ws119-005