Kiy, AlexanderGeßner, HendrikLucke, UlrikeGrünewald, FrankaZiegler, Jürgen2017-11-202017-11-202015 devices and associated applications (apps) are an indispensable part of daily life and provide access to important information anytime and anywhere. However, the availability of university-wide services in the mobile sector is still poor. If they exist they usually result from individual activities of students and teachers. Mobile applications can have an essential impact on the improvement of students’ self-organization as well as on the design and enhancement of specific learning scenarios, though. This article introduces a mobile campus app framework, which integrates central campus services and decentralized learning applications. An analysis of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches is presented to summarize and evaluate them in terms of requirements, development, maintenance and operation. The article discusses the underlying service-oriented architecture that allows transferring the campus app to other universities or institutions at reasonable cost. It concludes with a presentation of the results as well as ongoing discussions and future workMobile Campus ApplicationMobile DevelopmentHybrid AppFrameworkService-oriented ArchitectureA Hybrid and Modular Framework for Mobile Campus ApplicationsText/Conference Paper2196-6826