Berger, ThorstenNadi, SarahAßmann, UweDemuth, BirgitSpitta, ThorstenPüschel, GeorgKaiser, Ronny2017-06-302017-06-302015978-3-88579-633-6Highly configurable systems can easily have thousands of configuration options, together with intricate configuration constraints. Variability models-higherlevel representations of options and constraints-facilitate the development of large, highly configurable systems. Since models are difficult to create and to maintain, we strive to support both activities, automating them as much as possible. To this end, we present an empirical study of real-world variability models, and static code-analysis techniques that support reverse-engineering and consistency-checking of such models.enVariability models in large-scale systems: A study and a reverse-engineering techniqueText/Conference Paper1617-5468