Herpig, SvenCunningham, Douglas W.Hofstedt, PetraMeer, KlausSchmitt, Ingo2017-06-302017-06-302015978-3-88579-640-4With the public discussion mainly revolving around deterrence (either by denial or by punishment), there are actually a number of strategies which can be applied to cyber operations. A cyber strategy can be thought of as an umbrella for various individual cyber operations with the ultimate aim to achieve a strategic and / or political goal. Thus, cyber strategies can be defined as the development and employment of cyber operations, integrated and coordinated with other operational domains and forms of information warfare, to achieve or support the achievement of political objectives. Five of those strategies currently exist: going dark, deterrence, sub rosa, shashou jian, and cyber war. The implications of their existence and use create the need for proactive cyber security.enStrategic operations in the cyber domain and their implications for national cyber securityText/Conference Paper1617-5468