Schmid, HolgerUsländer, ThomasTochtermann, KlausScharl, Arno2019-09-162019-09-162006 Europe, the development of Environmental Information Systems for the water domain is mainly influenced by the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The WFD is a fundamental rethink of the EU water policy aiming at sharing water data across administrative borders. Its implementation therefore is also a challenge for the supporting WFD-specific information management. As the WFD by itself includes concrete IT recommendations only on a very high-level of data exchange, regional and/or national environmental agencies still have to build or adapt their information systems according to their specific requirements. On this background, the present article introduces the software framework WaterFrame® – designed by Fraunhofer IITB – that supports the development of WFD-oriented water information systems. The selected features described are illustrated by practical examples taken from projects already powered by WaterFrame®. The paper presents the two WaterFrame® installations WAABIS Grundwasser, installed in the German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, and FIS Gewässer (German Free State of Thuringia). The results of using WaterFrame® as a development platform are twofold: On the one hand, development time and costs can be significantly reduced, on the other hand the generated systems are widely integrative, i. e. further development of one of them can be adopted within others with little effort and low costs.WaterFrame® A Software Framework for the Development of WFD-oriented Water Information SystemsText/Conference Paper