Oberhofer, MartinWurst, MichaelHärder, TheoLehner, WolfgangMitschang, BernhardSchöning, HaraldSchwarz, Holger2019-01-172019-01-172011978-3-88579-274-1https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/19609Predictive Analytics is usually seen as highly interactive task. Paradoxically, it is still performed mostly as a batch task. This does not only limit its applicability, it also sets it apart from a task that is conceptually very close to it, namely OLAP analysis. The main reason for considering mining a batch task is the usually very high execution time on large data warehouses. While novel hardware offers the ability of highly distributed execution of predictive analytics algorithms, this level of parallelism cannot be exploited within the traditional row-based database paradigm. Columnar databases offer a solution to this problem, as the underlying datastructures lend themselves very well to parallel execution. This reduces the repsonse time for mining queries several magnitudes for some algorithms. While making mining faster and more responsive is already nice in itself, the real value of low response times is allowing completely new ways of interacting with huge data warehouses. In this arcticle we give a survey on the opportunities and challanges of interative, OLAP-like mining and on how columnar databases can support it. We exemplify these ideas on a task that is especially attractive for interactive mining, namely outlier detection in large data warehouses.enInteractive predictive analytics with columnar databasesText/Conference Paper1617-5468