Wijngaert, Lidwien van deWimmer, Maria A.Janssen, MarijnMacintosh, AnnScholl, Hans JochenTambouris, Efthimios2018-10-122018-10-122013978-3-88579-615-2https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/17265This paper presents a social network approach to help the government in their transformation to a leaner organization. We will first explain how social network analysis can contribute to this transformation. After that we will present some results from a pilot study that was conducted in Enschede Zuid in the Netherlands. We will conclude the paper with some remarks regarding our experiences and a future outlook for this approach towards a lean local government that acts as a director, rather than as a player in the field.enUsing a Network Approach to Transform from a Municipality to Municipal CommunityText/Conference Paper1617-5468