Hennig, AnneChristian Wressnegger, Delphine Reinhardt2023-01-242023-01-242022978-3-88579-717-3https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/40139Running a business without having a website is nearly impossible nowadays. Content management systems (CMS) provide features which make it easy for laypersons to create sophisticated websites. But those can pose security risks and provide vulnerabilities for manipulations. With vulnerability notifications, website owners are notified about security risks. The work of this doctoral thesis is divided into two main parts: At first it is necessary to identify common themes with respect to vulnerability notifications and provide more information on how to improve future vulnerability notifications. The second main part is to develop and evaluate suitable awareness materials.enweb securityvulnerabilitiessecurity notificationsecurity awarenessYour website has been hijacked: Raising awareness for an invisible problem10.18420/sicherheit2022_18Raising awareness for an invisible problem1617-5468