Zimmermann, AndreasLorenz, Andreas2017-11-152017-11-152003http://abis.l3s.uni-hannover.de/images/proceedings/abis2003/zimmermann.pdfhttps://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/5134The paper deals with the awareness of and the adaptation to the context in audio-augmented environments. Taking into account the relationship between aural and visual perceptions, we focus on the issues and the potential of adapting intelligent audio interfaces to augment the visual real environment. The description of the LISTEN project, a system for the creation of immersive audio-augmented environments, is taken as showcase; in particular, our focus is on the modelling and personalization methods affecting the audio design and presentation. The outcomes of the preliminary tests are reported in order to describe the is- sues and complexity of intelligent user model- ling in audio-augmented environments.enLISTEN: Contextualized Presentation for Audio-Augmented EnvironmentsText/Conference Paper