Zmudzinski, SaschaSteinebach, MartinAlkassar, AmmarSiekmann, Jörg2019-04-032019-04-032008978-3-88579-222-2 systems and protocols based on cryptographic methods for integrity and authenticity verification of media data do not distinguish between legitimate signal transformation and malicious tampering that manipulates the content. Furthermore, they usually provide no localization or assessment of the relevance of such manipu- lations with respect to human perception or semantics. For the verification of digital audio data we present an algorithm for a robust message authentication code in the context of content fragile authentication watermarking. Therefore we introduce an extension of an existing audio fingerprinting approach with respect to security and synchronization with audio watermarking. The experimental results show that the pro- posed algorithm provides both a high level of distinction between perceptually different audio data and a high robustness against signal transformations that do not change the perceived information.enContent-based Message Authentication Coding for Audio DataText/Conference Paper1617-5468