Laneuville, DannHerzog, OttheinRödiger, Karl-HeinzRonthaler, MarcKoschke, Rainer2019-05-152019-05-152007978-3-88579-206-1 consider in this paper the passive multisensor Target Motion Analysis (TMA) problem. The ownship, typically a submarine, is equipped with a Cylindrical Antenna (CA) and a Towed Antenna (TA), whose outputs are made of bearing tracks for the first one and bearing or bearing/frequency tracks for the second. The aim is to take advantage of the multisensor data fusion to improve the TMA process that can be obtained with one of the two sensors on a possibly manoeuvring target. We first describe our algorithms and then show some results on simulated data.enTarget Motion Analysis with Passive Data FusionText/Conference Paper1617-5468