Faragó, David2023-01-252023-01-252022https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/40159Data quality (especially correctness) plays a critical role in the success of a machine learning (ML) project. This paper describes a data pipeline for creating high quality data, using as example Key Information Extraction (KIE) from invoices – one of the most popular tasks in Intelligent Document Processing (IDP). The tasks of each data pipeline step are listed, showing the decisions and technology involved. The focus is on practicality: doing ML at reasonable-scale, i.e. with as little cost (people and hardware) as possible, and a concern for practice more than achieving high scores on a metric that is not grounded in practical use. Contributions: 1. an extended list of quality dimensions, with simple definitions 2. overview of a data pipeline, examplified on KIE 3. for each pipeline step a list of tasks, showing decisions, pitfalls, and technology involved 4. in particular, how to use the state of the art contrastive model CLIP to solve difficult selection and reduction tasks on images 5. a tool for labeling key information on images 6. a labeling guide for invoices. Most contributions can easily be transfered to other supervised learning tasks.endata qualitydata-centric AIdata pipelinereasonable-scale MLIDPKIE on invoicesA High Quality Data Pipeline for Reasonable-Scale Machine LearningText/Conference Paper0720-8928