Riedewald, SandraCorbett, DavidGarcia de Alcañiz Alonso, Juan ManuelLudewig, ElskeJackstädt, ThomasHinze, Jana2022-09-022022-09-022022https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/39345Does this bridge require maintenance? Is it worth for me, as an investor, to purchase this building? In order to answer such questions, data is collected with specialized instruments, evaluated by experts and passed through the hands of many people with varying levels of expertise. Understanding the stakeholders is a key element in both efficiency and error prevention. Screening Eagle Technologies is not only known in the industry for its technical innovations and has received multiple awards, but also for the ease of use of the measuring devices and the data processing software. The article introduces how, based on an amazingly simple operating metaphor, we consistently use AI, 3D and AR to help our users avoid mistakes and work efficiently when collecting, interpreting and passing on complex measurement data.enInteraction design theoryconcepts and paradigmsMixed / augmented realityArtificial intelligenceCamera metaphorFrom Huh? to Aha! – a modern and thrilling approach to the user experience of structural measurementsText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2022-up-347