Schmidt, LeonardYigitbas, Enes2023-08-242023-08-242023 interfaces offer the possibility to perform a task in various different environments. In order to fulfill the task efficiently, the interface requires a convenient mechanism to transition between these environments. Additionally, the transitions need to be seamless to not disrupt the focus or progress of the task. However,seamlessly switching between environments with different extents of virtual and real elements is not trivial. The solution to this problem is to use various environments with only subtle differences and a smooth mechanism to hide and unhide virtual and real elements. That way, users can perceive the transitions as they slowly progress over time and are able to understand the differences between the environments. We developed an interface that allows users to seamlessly transition between a total of six environments. We evaluated this prototype by analyzing the users’ behavior of transitioning and the effect a switch between environments has on the perceived presence by measuring the user’s speed while moving around and collecting objects in the environments. We observed major differences in speed across the environments and various transitional behaviors.Transitional Cross Reality Interfaces for Spatially Demanding Search and Collect TasksText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2023-mci-ws12-261