Hanser, DamienRousseau, AnneFeltz, FernandOtjacques, BenoƮtOberweis, AndreasPoussing, Nicolas2019-06-122019-06-122006978-3-88579-186-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/23757Today, innovation networks are economically and technologically accessible [VBE04]; however, managers and members of such organizations notice that success and performance are not automatically given. More to this, practitioners point out that the collaboration processes are the actual challenge in the management of a networked organization. This paper summarizes the results of a research project that addresses these issues. The project aims to identify a set of indicators, leverage factors and software functionalities, which facilitate the management of the collaboration related processes in networks. The outcome is a framework for the analysis of networked organisations that helps to take the right strategic choices.enChallenging CSCW in an innovation network contextText/Conference Paper1617-5468