Hogrebe, FrankGehrke, NickNüttgens, MarkusNüttgens, MarkusThomas, OliverWeber, Barbara2018-11-272018-11-272011978-3-88579-284-0https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/18510For almost all applications there is a need to judge business process models by userś perspective. This paper presents first facts and findings how the eye tracking method can contribute to a deeper empirical understanding and evaluation of user satisfaction in business process modeling. The method of eye tracking is used in order to check subjective perceptions of users through objective measurement. The experimental investigation is done using two variants of the widespread business process modelling notation “Event-driven Process Chain (EPC)”.eneye trackinguser satisfactionevent-driven process chain (EPC)Eye tracking experiments in business process modeling: agenda setting and proof of conceptText/Conference Paper1617-5468