Khan, OwesEnglisch, NorbertHardt, WolframEibl, MaximilianGaedke, Martin2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-669-5Application prototypes involving complex algorithms for purposes like ADAS are often developed on PC based systems. For validation, these prototypes must be executed on automotive embedded systems. Furthermore, with increasing industry demand of AUTOSAR based ECUs, integration with AUTOSAR environment also becomes a necessity. The process in itself is time consuming due to the fulfilment of various steps involved in the AUTOSAR methodology. On the contrary, for rapid prototyping, time and effort for non-functional requirements should be minimal. A concept for automated integration of non-AUTOSAR compliant prototype codes within an AUTOSAR system, along with application specific configuration and generation of the complete system is proposed by this paper. The main aim is focused on memory usage reduction of AUTOSAR BSW along with the integration of prototype codes to facilitate an AUTOSAR Processor-in-Loop test environment for the application.enAUTOSARRapid PrototypingIntegrationRapid Prototyping in AUTOSAR Based Systems10.18420/in2017_1571617-5468