Diewald, StefanMöller, AndreasRoalter, LuisKranz, MatthiasButz, AndreasKoch, MichaelSchlichter, Johann2017-11-222017-11-222014978-3-11-034448-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/7574Technology-based self-tracking of physical activity is a new trend. However, monitoring one’s own behavior does not automatically motivate one to increase physical exercising. For that reason, we propose a concept that uses the tracked data for providing fitness routes in everyday trip planning, which are tailored to the users’ needs, personal preferences, and fitness levels. We argue that utilizing the monitored data for directed exercising during daily routines can add value to the quantified-self movement.enQuantified-selftrip planningfitness routeAdaptivität und BenutzermodellierungMobile und ubiquitäre InteraktionToday, you walk! – When Physical Fitness Influences Trip PlanningText/Workshop Paper