Dreher,MartinGoetze,DanielWieland,RobertLiebhart,DanielDinter,BarbaraWinter,RobertChamoni,PeterGronau,NorbertTurowski,Klaus2019-07-112019-07-112008978-3-88579-232-1https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24056Since information is more and more recognised as a business relevant asset the need for an integrated information management approach grows steadily. Against this background large industrial companies begin to think about valid in­formation governances and policies. In the following article the information man­agement approach developed at E.ON is presented. lt bases on a role concept, a meta-information repository and generic models for information quality manage­ment and information lifecycle management. lt finally allows for an efficient im­plementation of the currently most important information management issues which are information quality and information lifecycle management.enA framework for efficient information management1617-5468