Weigelt, SebastianSteurer, VanessaHey, TobiasTichy, WalterKoziolek, AnneSchaefer, InaSeidl, Christoph2020-12-172020-12-172021978-3-88579-704-3https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/34543With fuSE laypeople can create simple programs: one can teach intelligent systems new functions using plain English. fuSE uses deep learning to synthesize source code: it creates method signatures (for newly learned functions) and generates API calls (to form the body). In an evaluation on an unseen dataset fuSE synthesized 84.6% of the signatures and 66.9% of the API calls correctly.enProgramming in Natural LanguageEnd-User ProgrammingDeep LearningAINLPProgramming in Natural Language with fuSE: Synthesizing Methods from Spoken Utterances Using Deep Natural Language UnderstandingText/ConferencePaper10.18420/SE2021_461617-5468