Müller, MartinaZoller, FabianPansa, IngoGerlicher, AnsgarHühnlein, DetlefRoßnagel, Heiko2018-10-102018-10-102013978-3-88579-617-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/17187Identity management faces new challenges of protecting resources that are aces from different and maybe unknown devices. This is caused by the fact that employees bring their own mobile devices to their offices and work with them [Gar12]. Consequently users, programmer and companies have to face challenges that arise from mobile authentication: the need for accessing business application is based on the employees user identity. This paper describes a methodical analysis and evaluation of the current state of the art authentication methods. The resulting evaluation is the basis for a prototypical implementation of the best evaluated authentication methods on mobile devices. To test and confirm the theoretical architectures implemented on mobile devices a usability test has been made. A conclusion sums up the lessons learned and recommendations are made.enAuthentication on Mobile Devices for Business ApplicationText/Conference Paper1617-5468