Viebahn, Christoph vonWimmer, Maria A.Janssen, MarijnMacintosh, AnnScholl, Hans JochenTambouris, Efthimios2018-10-122018-10-122013978-3-88579-615-2 more than 1,400,000 returned questionaires, Self Evaluation In Schools (SEIS) is the largest feedback management project for German schools including more than 5,700 institutions. The individual software is a full-hybrid system enabling online, paper and mixed evaluations. It delivers various reports, time series and other products enabling to improve the internal quality management. The project has been started in 2004 by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2008 taken over by a public consortium, from 08/2013 to be continued seperately by several federal states.enChange Management of Germany's Public IT-Project for Feedback Management in Schools (SEIS)Text/Conference Paper1617-5468