Klenke, MartinKruse, FredUhrich, StefanieGiffei, ChristianePeters, SybilleMoeller, AndreasPage, BerndSchreiber, Martin2019-09-162019-09-162008https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/26336Actual efforts to fit the ISO 19115 / ISO 19119 compliant data model of the German Catalog of Data Sources to the INSPIRE requirements formulated by the Draft Implementing Rules for Metadata (Version 4) are presented. Moreover, some considerations on how to set up an efficient German INSPIRE metadata infrastructure are discussed.Shaping PortalU®/InGrid® to Meet the INSPIRE Requirements – First Experiences and Some Considerations on How to Efficiently Organize the German Spatial Data Infrastructure as INSPIRE NodeText/Conference Paper