Janka, WalterBöttinger, StefanTheuvsen, LudwigRank, SusanneMorgenstern, Marlies2019-05-152019-05-152007978-3-88579-195-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/22865The project "InfoFARM.de" is an information and cooperation platform based on the internet which can be accessed by all users and mainly focuses on the agricultural and nutritional sector. Considering the needs of the main users (pupils, apprentices and practical men), InfoFARM.de offers them information provided by companies, educational and consulting institutions, public authorities as well as individuals. Additionally, assistance in terms of structuring and selection (reduction) based on pedagocial principles is provided in order to help the user turn information into knowledge. This is why the slogan of the platform goes "We sow information – you gather knowledge". InfoFARM.de has been providing profound knowledge by a strong network including other projects from both at home and abroad for almost ten years now, and it has been independent from sponsorships and subsidies for five years.deInfoFARM.de – Informationsmanagement im Grünen BereichText/Conference Paper1617-5468