Thielsch, Meinald T.Scharfen, JanaMasoudi, EhsanReuter, MeikeAlt, FlorianBulling, AndreasDöring, Tanja2019-08-222019-08-222019 has become a central construct in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and it has clear beneficial effects on users’ perceptions and attitudes. Yet, do attractive interfaces actually enhance user performance? In the light of the importance of the construct and the mixed findings in various studies on the matter a systematic approach is urgently needed. Thus, the present meta-analysis examines in detail the effects of visual interface aesthetics of websites, software and other interactive systems on objective user performance. A systematic literature search yielded 25 eligible studies with 101 observed effects and a total of 3,025 participants. The conducted meta-analysis revealed a small significant overall effect of interface aesthetics on user performance (g = 0.12), while a high heterogeneity of effects was observed. As potential moderators, we tested the type of used interaction medium, task, goal orientation, measure of performance, measure of aesthetics, and aesthetics manipulation. None showed a significant moderating influence. Thus, aesthetics can be considered to have a small but heterogeneous influence on user performance that so far cannot be further resolved by moderating variables reported in eligible studies. Therefore, the discussion sketches avenues for future research and encloses a call to action for the HCI community.enaestheticsbeautyappealattractivenessuser performanceVisual aesthetics and performance: A first meta-analysisText/Conference Paper10.1145/3340764.3340794