Wechsler, RobertReiterer, HaraldDeussen, Oliver2017-11-222017-11-222012978-3-486-71990-1https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/7710The idea of the MotionComposer is to build a device for persons with disabilities that allows musical expression through movement. Under a grant from the German Ministry of Economy and Technology, we been working to develop this idea into a practical easy-to-use and therapeutic tool. Together with therapists and composers, we are designing musical environments with the intention that they generate intuitive and synaesthetic responses in the user. In on-going workshops with persons with disabilities in Germany and Spain we are gathering valuable experience and while perhaps not yet "easy to use", we are making significant progress particularly in the area of mapping.enApplications of Motion Tracking for Persons with DisabilitiesText/Conference Paper