Richter, SilkeBrauner, JohannesKunz, SiegbertKnetsch, GerlindeJessen, Karin2019-09-202019-09-202010 EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project EO2HEAVEN (Earth Observation and ENVironmental modelling for the mitigation of HEAlth risks) contributes to a better understanding of the complex relationships between environmental phenomena and their impact on human health. The project monitors pollution with emphasis on the atmosphere and water. By integrating the public health sector and strong cooperation with IT and service providers from the Earth Observation and in-situ environmental monitoring domains, EO2HEAVEN follows a multidisciplinary and user-oriented approach. The result of this collaboration is the design and development of a GIS-based Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII) supporting the investigation of environment-related health risk exposure and providing respective early warning systems.Integration von Fernerkundungs-, Geo- und Gesundheitsdaten in Geodateninfrastrukturen für die Vorhersage von umweltbedingten Gesundheitsgefährdungen – EO2HEAVENText/Conference Paper